Viper's Falls

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To All Moms, From All of Us

When the skies darken and we know not where to turn,
when we are lost and alone in the middle of a crowd,
when we lose our friends to that villian of time,
there's always mom.

We can curse and cause mischief,
we can be the real pain,
we can loose the agonies of unbriddled words,
but there's always mom.

We create worries without even a thought,
we run and run and never call home,
we plow through bruises and cuts all round,
but there's always mom.

And somehow through it all, mom is there,
mom is always there,
her feelings pushed away, for her little one,
thank God for mom.

Verses and images copyright 1999 ViperGC

Viper's Proverbs (None of which are original)

Life is lived in forward.... and learned in reverse.

Life is a tough teacher... It gives the test first.

If the eyes saw no tears... The soul would know no rainbows.

Touch my heart and I will remember... Touch my soul and I will never forget

A Wish Changes Nothing.... A Decision Changes Everything

Fernando... ABBA

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