Security and PostfixAdmin ------------------------- While the developers of PostfixAdmin believe the software to be secure, there is no guarantee that it will continue to do be so in the future - especially as new types of exploit are discovered. (After all, this software is without warranty!) In the event you do discover a vulnerability in this software, please report it to the development mailing list, or contact one of the developers directly. DATABASE USER SECURITY ---------------------- You may wish to consider the following : 1. Postfix only requires READ access to the database tables. 2. The virtual vacation support (if used) only needs to WRITE to the vacation_notification table (and read alias and vacation). 3. PostfixAdmin itself needs to be able to READ and WRITE to all the tables. Using the above, you can improve security by creating separate database user accounts for each of the above roles, and limit the permissions available to them as appropriate. FILE SYSTEM SECURITY -------------------- PostfixAdmin does not require write support on the underlying filesystem - aside from PHP creating session files.